Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sorry to be away, may be gone awhile yet

Well I have so much to write about, but I've been home on vacation last week and then went out of town and finally I come home to a broken computer.  I promise to write about the trip I just took to Nashville to see Will's doctor and the progress he has made, but for now I have to keep this short as I'm borrowing the husband's computer.  Hopefully it will be an easy fix. . .fingers crossed.  Write soon?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Just another day in the life.  Happy to be back to our normal of Will back in school.  Next week is Winter Break so another week at home, but luckily my husband will be home with us. 

Tomorrow the family is headed to our first Open House for a private Kindergarten.  I pray that we love the teacher and she sees how special our little late talker is.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Back to a better Normal

Didn't post the last few days as it was the same old same old, fever vomiting, all in all not pretty.  On Friday Will started to perk up and I'd say by Sat. he was his same old self with an increased appetite. 

One thing that was really wonderful was that Will was completely wanting to be social since getting better.  He made so many more 4-5 word phases it was really wonderful.  We ended the weekend with him wanting to snuggle with his father on the couch and read him (yes he read to his Dad) The Cat in the Hat. 

I know a lot of LTs make huge progress around the time of 4.5.  Will is about 4.3 months old now and I sometimes have a hard time seeing this huge gain, BUT this weekend gave me a glimpse of what was yet to come.  I just truly love that kid! (especially now he is vomit free ;-)  )

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just another day of vomit

Sorry if the title offends, but I couldn't come up with anything else.  Will is still sick and vomiting, luckily only once today.  Luckily for me his attitude is always so happy making times when he is not feeling well easier on this mommy.  In fact one would assume he could be quite cranky most of the time as he cannot always get his point across to me, but he usually maintains his happy boy attitude 90% of the time (not too shabby - this kid skipped the terrible two's and three's)

Hopefully he will be feeling better tomorrow and I can get out of the house for awhile. I am getting a bad case of cabin fever.  I did get out long enough to get a new hairdo and some wine.  These two things should tide me over for a few more sick days.

Here's to a vomit free tomorrow.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Still home sick with too much internet time

Augh we are still all sick, Will being the worst with a high fever and occasional vomiting, at least today we have avoided the vomiting.  I have been stuck in this sick house for 3 days now and need to GET OUT!!  Doesn't look like this will be happening soon as Will is still hanging on to the fever. 

What happens when I stay home too much, I do internet trolling for information on Late Talking.  This invariably leaves me saddened, which is why I try not to do it often.  Today was interesting as I stumbled across a fellow blogger's blog about her child.  From what I could gather she had a bit of a run in with the Yahoo group to which I belong and love.  It seems she thought we all had our heads in the sand and should wake up and smell the autism so to speak.  Some posts had been deleted but I got the gist that members of my group stood up and said we were not denying autism but fighting to make sure that when it is diagnosed that is a correct diagnosis not one thrown out at a child who doesn't conform with the norms.

The interesting thing was I kept reading her entries and found her son's diagnosis came from a one hour appt. when he was around 2.  Flash forward to today about 2 years later and another doctor has revoked the first doctors diagnosis.

I don't want to get into specifics, but it just seemed another perfect example of how we are told these diagnosis from doctors when our children are so young and how often they can turn out to be wrong.  So to me its not about putting our head in the sand of denial but not in the sand of one size fits all diagnosis.

On a side note I want to thank my fellow blogger Jackie for helping me set up this blog. Without her it would never have gotten to day 5 or whatever its been so far.  So far its been a great way for me to have a one sided conversation about whatever is crossing this mind of mine.  I am not open to having  arguments with fellow commentators this is just a chronicle of Will's journey that I can look back on and see the progress he has made as time goes on.  It also will hopefully keep me from abscessing and help me enjoy this wonderful child I've been blessed with.