Saturday, October 29, 2011

Long time no post.....sorry!

WOW it has been WAY too long since my last post.  The good news is that it's because there has been little strife and lots of growth.

Full day K started off well and continues to be good for Will.  His special ed teachers now wish they had pushed him along to 1st grade as academically he is pretty ahead of his classmates (was doing 2nd grade math and subtraction a few weeks back).  Since his current school does combine grades after K, I have a feeling he may skip 1st and go to 2nd, but it's too early yet to worry about next year.  He is all Hellos for his friends and teachers. His aid is ....ok.... I think the match isn't the best, BUT she is a nice person and genuinely wants to do a good job.

The struggle for language is still ongoing.  Every morning I great him with a "Good morning Will" and I get in return "Good morning Da, Dad, Good morning Mommy".  It can really take him a bit to find the right words.  Yet other times  I hear "Come on Mommy" roll off his tough like second nature.  I think once he sets his mind to what he wants to say it comes more easily than finding a correct response to reply to me.

The 6th birthday brought me to tears...of happiness.  He TOTALLY got it!  Was soooo excited for cake, candles and PRESENTS.  When asked what day it was I heard a VERY strong..."it's my birthday!" Both my husband and I said this was the birthday we've been waiting for.  We can't wait for Christmas...either can Will.


Mamahoz said...

Have you joined us on Check us out on facebook as well.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Unknown said...

Hi, if you still read comments, I would love an update. Is love to know how your son is doing now? If people still ever insinuate asd? If the camaratas prognosis was accurate? Please let me know.