Friday, April 9, 2010

Wow can this be real?

Okay so I am completely flabergasted!  I am happy that I did go into my meeting with the school district open minded. 

So without having to drag out an advocate, attorney, or even asking for what I really wanted for Will's education, it has landed on my lap.  Today was a very nice meeting with the pre-school psychologist and principal. They offered an integrated classroom (5 IEP kids the rest "typical") for 1/2 day (they don't half day, he'll be the only one) with the confirmation that if I want him to (and I do) he WILL repeat next year!

Truthfully I am still a bit stunned that this all went down without me having to complain to the school district what I really wanted for Will.   Shocking to me that they came through for him.  His IEP meeting is May 21 and I think until then I will still be holding my breath for all this to work out.

Feeling blessed today.


Pia said...

hooray hooray hooray!!! Oh, so happy for you! Fingers crossed for the next meeting!!!

Unknown said...

That is fantastic Janet!