Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Another first - - Plus A quick note to Mrs. Glasgens

Just a quick post to notate a big deal in this household.  Yesterday I was off with a friend enjoying some mommy alone time when I received a text from my husband.  It stated "Will just said I like Uncle John".  Okay well this may not seem like a big deal, but IT IS.  Will has never expressed a like unprompted before.  Oh you can ask him if he likes something and 99% of the time he'll say yes.....even if he hates it.  So to volunteer with language he likes something is a very BIG deal.  I foresee big things to come.....

Mrs. Glasgens,

Just sending you a quick note congratulating you for getting assigned my son Will for your kindergarten class this year. You must feel so blessed to be able to be such a big influence on Will and he you.  You see if you allow it, Will can challenge you to be the best teacher you ever thought you could be.  If you simply can open your eyes, heart and mind you will be delighted on how much he knows and how willing he is to learn from you.  You may have to use some unconvential teaching methods, but I promise you that by doing this not only will Will benefit, but so will others who undoubtedly come after him.

You lucky teacher you.  Enjoy the year.

Will's Lucky Mother

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