Thursday, January 28, 2010

Having a pity party

Today is one of those days where I think of the saying God only give you what you can handle and think I am not too sure this is true. After another long talk with the school district I left feeling the same way I always do, sad and pissed that the system is so flawed for a child like Will. Trying to make a decision on where to put him in school next year has consumed my thoughts for the better part of two weeks now and before that was at least a thought bouncing along in my brain to think over from time to time. Now only do I have to find a school for Will I then have to convince them to take him. Having a child with developmental delays is a hard sell for some schools.

When I think rationally though I know there is the perfect school for him and that I will know it when I see it and talk to the teacher. For know I feel at least content knowing not sending Will to full day Kindergarten is the right decision. Now I just have to sort the rest out. . . .and continue to worry about potty training, but that problem is for another day.

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