Friday, March 26, 2010

To be or not to be

Just another day in the life of.  Got a call from the local Elementary school asking if we were planning on enrolling Will in Kindergarten next year.  Gave a confident nope and that was the end of that.  I've found infinite peace with this decision.  Will will go to school, just preschool again.  Its not like the kids needs it for academics anyway!  Today I showed him a set of paints and I  asked him "what is this?" . .his response "ovals" ( I guess he knows his shapes).

On another note we are weeks away from trying in earnest potty training. I know I know "Will is almost 4.5 and he isn't trained?" is running through your head, but I'm telling you between the verbal delay and his lack of fine motor skills I didn't see the pressure to get him out of pull ups. . . .until now.  When your child can pee in his diaper take it off, toss it out and put another on without your help, well its time to get on the potty.  Unfortunately I still don't think this is going to go well.  We are going with the tossing the diapers out and going bare butt method.   Cross your fingers for me and say a prayer because in 3 weeks there will be no going back, ack!


Unknown said...

how are things going, janet?

Will's Mom said...

Check out my latest post Jackie!