Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's just freakin' Kindergarten

Just when I think decisions on Will's school future for next year are all settled, the school district tosses in a money wrench. I got another call from the school's psychologist wanting to set up a meeting with me and the principal of our local elementary school.  She went to view Will last week with the elementary school psychologist (she is the one for pre-school services) and told me she understood my concerns for keeping Will back a year before entering Kindergarten.  So now she is proposing that we work out a situation where Will could maybe do a 1/2 day of school next year, but couldn't guarantee he could repeat.  O...K, but that is what I said I wanted for Will, so how is this going to help?

The best part was her saying that if he went to school next year his services could be done during the school day and this would be easier on me than having to drive him to them myself.  I felt like saying if I wanted easy I wouldn't have become a mother!  Really I drive him an hour everyday now just to go to the school I choose for him, I obviously am not interested in taking the easy route in regards to schooling decisions.

I am going to try and withhold anymore judgments and hear her and the principal out on Friday.  My main question is why, why is this so important to them?  I mean what is one freakin' year?  If I still lived in Michigan Will would go to young fives and I wouldn't have to go through all this crap. Ah well I did say I didn't want easy didn't I?

Check back on Friday for the meetings highlights and lowlights!

1 comment:

Pia said...

HAHAHAHAHA Sorry, I had to laugh, mostly at the title. J-man is 3 and I am already stressing out about kindergarden. I would BET CASH MONEY that they want him in so he can be enrolled and they can get the cash for his enrollment (but that is very very cynical of me... how could one little student matter on that account?). Anyway, good luck figuring out what this is all about...

BTW, did you know that in most countries in Europe kids don't start school until they are 7? And they do manage just fine, thank you very much....