Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Potty Mircle for Easter

I thought this time would never come.  I literally couldn't conceive of a time when my son would pee in a potty.  Theoretically I knew it would happen, but after 4.5 years of diaper changes it wasn't a strong feeling.

The best part was it happened on a lark.  This past weekend we got near 90 degress, which in April is VERY strange.  I had planned on starting the potty training for real in two weeks over Spring Break.  I had the rewards, potty doll, etc ready to go and we had talked about using the potty for the last few weeks.  On Sat.  I decided to drag out the kiddie pool since it would be months before we would be able to use it again.  For whatever reason I just put Will in his swim trunks no swimmy diapers.  After about 2 hours he asked to come inside to change the diaper.  Hmmmmm I gave it some thought and lied to my beautiful child.  "Mommy can't find the diapers, oh no!  Can you use the potty?"  At this point I ran down to the basement for his porta-potty and put it in the living room where we started playing Wii.  Will was still looking for the diapers "Where is it?  Where the diapers? I can't see them."

Now last week I volunteered at Will's school last week and told his aid, who has him sit on the potty everyday that I was starting potty training over the break.  I mentioned I was going to toss out the pull ups and go cold turkey.  She wondered if he understood that he should be his pee in the potty and suggested I put a pull up in the potty to help him make the connection.  At the time I thought she was grossly underestimating Will as I knew he has seen his mother and father pee varies times before.

At this point I start thinking maybe I'll try the pull up in the potty but know Will is no dummy and he would just pull that sucker out of the portable potty and put it on, so I had a thought of genius and cut the pull up up into sections and gave him one.  I told him to hold it to him and sit on the potty.  Within 5 minuets I had a full potty of pee!  We have now peed 7 or 8 times in the potty in the last 2 days!  I think this is a great start and I hope when we really go full throttle in 2 weeks it will go as well.  Cross your fingers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is fantastic! I am so happy for you guys!